GPFS at SC ’14

If you’re not yet registered for the GPFS/Elastic Storage IBM User Group at SC’14, you can sign up below.

SC’14 runs from 16th – 21st November in New Orleans.


We look forward to seeing you in New Orleans.

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GPFS UG 10 RFE Questionnaire Results available

The results of the User Group 10 RFE survey have been collated and are now available as a PDF.

We encourage all our members to read the RFE Questionnaire Results document and actively participate in RFE discussion on the mailing list and the IBM GPFS RFE website.



We will actively solicit the IBM GPFS team for feedback regarding the RFE Questionnaire Results and update the membership with any proceedings.

GPFS goes Elastic

Elastic Storage
The Fast, Simple, Scalable and Complete Storage Solution for Today’s Data Intensive Enterprise

New code-named Elastic Storage is a proven, scalable, high-performance data and file management solution (based upon GPFS technology) that’s being used extensively across multiple industries worldwide. Elastic Storage provides simplified data management and integrated information lifecycle tools capable of managing petabytes of data and billions of files, in order to arrest the growing cost of managing ever growing amounts of data.

Elastic Storage transforms data economics
Elastic Storage transforms data economics

Read more about it

UG #10 Presentations Update

ug10_splashUser Group 10 presentations are now available under the

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Presentations section.