Pizza fuels hands on meet up

Earlier this week on a sunny Manchester morning I hosted our second ‘meet the devs’ GPFS user group session. In February we met in London and had a very open discussion with a short demo. This session had different attendees in a different city, with different food and a different focus.

Our focus was hands on testing of the upcoming 4.1.1 release and specifically the protocol related work done in the UK. After some minimal slideware all attendees were provided some hardware and a GPFS development engineer. This was following pizza and coffee, which meant everyone was energised and ready.

What did we all learn? You can’t plan for fire alarms and using laptops for a demo to run virtual clusters with no network can be challenging! Enough said.

Continue reading “Pizza fuels hands on meet up”

Meet the devs kicks off … am I a GPFS imposter?

This morning I set off from Manchester to London to run my first ‘Meet the Devs’ GPFS User Group session concerned about two things: Firstly, my wife is due for our second child in 5 weeks – let’s hope she doesn’t go into labour whilst I’m a few hours away. Secondly, I felt the fear of being an imposter, accompanied by the adrenaline rush I get when I go on stage and perform. Am I really in a position to have a fruitful meeting with a set of very experienced and capable GPFS users? Am I prepared enough? Am I a GPFS imposter?

Think. Prepare. Rehearse. And breathe.

I suddenly felt a lot better. But, I’m a manager these days and as a result less hands on, I’ve never used GPFS as a real user/administrator and my background is C++ development not in system administrator or architecting solutions.

Continue reading “Meet the devs kicks off … am I a GPFS imposter?”

Object on GPFS

Hello to all. As you might have seen from Jez’s recent post to the mailing list, IBM are hoping to get more involved with the user group in the coming year and part of that will be blogs from developers. This is the first such blog and I’ll be looking at the recently updated red paper for deploying an object store on top of an existing GPFS cluster.

Firstly though a quick introduction. I am a developer in the IBM Manchester Lab and my current role is as an architect for RAS (Reliability, Availability and Servicability), with specific focus on the integration of protocols with GPFS that you should be seeing later this year. In Manchester we have a team of ~10 developers all working towards these future GPFS releases, including James Wormwell, an author on the updated red paper and team lead for the development of the install tool that was made available with the update. Hopefully you should get a chance to meet some of us over the year at the main user group meeting or the various “coffee shop” meetups that we’re hoping to have.

Continue reading “Object on GPFS”

GPFS at SC ’14

If you’re not yet registered for the GPFS/Elastic Storage IBM User Group at SC’14, you can sign up below.

SC’14 runs from 16th – 21st November in New Orleans.


We look forward to seeing you in New Orleans.

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GPFS User Group #10 – April 29th 2014

Come and join us for the 10th GPFS User Group

Date: 29th April 2014

Location: IBM Southbank Client Centre, London, UK
It is free to attend.


10:30 Arrivals and refreshments

11:00 Introductions and committee updates
Jez Tucker, Group Chair & Claire Robson,

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Group Secretary

11:05 GPFS 4.1
Scott Fadden, IBM GPFS Technical Marketing

12:15 GPFS Performance (Basics)
Sven Oehme, IBM Scalable Storage Research

13:00 Lunch (provided)

13:45 GPFS Performance (Advanced)
Sven Oehme, IBM Scalable Storage Research

14:45 Refreshments break

15:05 Numascale
Robin Harker, Numscale

15:35 GSS User Case Study
Indulis Bernsteins, IBM Storage System Architect

16:00 Group discussion: Questions & Committee matters
Led by Jez Tucker, Group Chairperson

16:05 Close

Please register for a place via email to :

Places are likely to be in high demand so register early.