Chart Decks of SC23 Storage Scale User Group Meeting are now available

The chart decks of the Storage Scale user meeting along SC23 are now available. Some confidential content was removed before publishing.

Many thanks to all speakers and participants for this successful event. This would not be possible without volunteers to present and an active and engaged audience.

Please join our 2024 meetings which will be announced here:

Spectrum Scale and Spectrum LSF User Meeting at ISC 2017

There is an IBM organized joint IBM Spectrum Scale and IBM Spectrum LSF User Meeting at ISC 2017. Agenda and spirit are similar to user group organized events. The the agenda includes user stories, updates on IBM Spectrum Scale and IBM Spectrum LSF, and access to IBM experts and your peers.

Please join us!

To attend, please email Fabienne.Wegener at so we can have an accurate count of attendees.

Monday June 19, 2016 – 12:00-14:30 – Conference Room Konstant

12:00-12:10  [10 min]  Opening
12:10-12:25  [15 min]  Spectrum Scale Support for Docker – Olaf Weiser (IBM)
12:25-13:05  [40 min]  IBM Spectrum LSF family update – Bill McMillan (IBM)
13:05-13:25  [20 min]  Driving Operational Efficiencies with the IBM Spectrum LSF & Ellexus Mistral – Dr. Rosemary Francis (Ellexus)
13:25-13:40 [15 min] Pawsey Site Report – Chris Schlipalius (Pawsey)
13:40-13:55  [15 min]  IBM Elastic Storage Server (ESS) Update – John Sing (IBM)
13:55-14:20  [25 min]  IBM Spectrum Scale Enhancements for CORAL – Sven Oehme (IBM)
14:20-14:30  [10 min]  Question & Answers

Looking forward to seeing you there!